

Not working so much this year for me.
How about you guys?

In a warm-up post to get all warmed up for the season, and we still having the humid and terrible pouring clouds, here's my Joyeux Noel hamper, gotten from my cousin who's a master at the baking and cooking. Definitely a house kitchen master!

And you can't find these anywhere else...


Where else can you find?
Only in Singapore you'll have your Gingerbread people in bikinis and trunks (the surfer girl is my personal favorite but she broke her arm. /awww), and tux and a dress (out of ideas, my cousin say) whom she drew out of a non-hardening glitter food gel. Glitter!

What's more, she baked the most moist and soft pumpkin bread that is just right in its texture, and orange peel chocolate muffins that are so delectable and substantial as it is so dense once you bite in - after a pop in the microwave.

•lovely Joyeux Noel food hamper!•

•tried to save the surfer ginger people to a better place, while the girls lost an arm and...•

•lost her head. Michon naba. Kekeke~ Oops.•

I was dropping by for Feliz Navidad dinner and Midnight Mass and to visit my cuteeeeeeee pie Grace, the baby girl niece who turned 1 last month.

and boy SHE GREW A LOT. I WAS SHOCKED TO SEE HER walking and crawling on the floor with her adorable chubbiness I can't explain in words and her dad - my cous say, "she's still underweight though."

So here she is like when she was 4 months old or something...

•my favooooorite picture. LIKE 1 million times•

And now she's 1 year and 1 month's old... AND, THE BIG CATCH IS THAT SHE KNOWS THE CAMERA. She poses once I snapped and the flash blasted, and she started smiling and her face puzzled off as if she was thinking, "What face or pose should I do now?"


Too cute to believe but she now doesn't recognize me... TT_TT
Looks more like her mom now!

What is your Buon Natale wish? Here are some quotes taken from my dear T-list pal which I echo the most:

" You know you're old when no one gives you presents anymore ):"

A sparkling blessed Christmas, dear readers and friends! Missed out what happened in the previous weeks of mine? The big issue of Adeline Chia, K-Pop party madness, and MAMA 2011 and other event coverages. 

Need some virtual love? Check out my T-list on the left here as I'm spamming some tweet-y love today for some #fangirl #kpop #food #christmas #presents.

Watch out for the next post in 2012 of what made my 2011 THE YEAR FOR ME. (NOT Y.O.U. since I'm still solo. It's going to be 'YEAR OF US' once Key's on my side.)



First up is that most Singaporeans K-poppers should know (or you are still underaged thus you don't know what's going on) we had a serious K-popfied week with TWO club events just to celebrate K-Pop!

And what was the first installment for a fulfilling week (with SHAUN EVARISTO'S MOVEMENT LIFESTYLE EXPERIENCE SANDWICHED ON FRIDAY)? Noneother than SM ENTERTAINMENT's own producers, DJs, and personas BEATBURGER specially flown in from Seoul once again (after their trip for MAMA2011. They were here probably mixing the songs and enjoying themselves. Missed your MAMA 2011 Singapore news? Scroll below here and here) for just one special night to spin and rock the night at Singapore's nominated favorite nightspot and the home for all the riotous fashionable kids because owners Bobby and Ritz certainly can bring an entire artsy fartsy pupils version of Chingay parade to fill in the two rooms, THE BUTTER FACTORY's new WEEKLY Thu night, GAJA!

(Yes I cannot bloody believe it we now have a resident permanent night just to hear some K-pop blasting and to shed more calories comparing to just watch your favorite pretty boys on Youtube and press repeat for another gazillion times after that and still SCREAMING to the same moment and scene, I can feel you right about there. K-Pop fans who are night owls REEEEEJOICE)

Without further ado, it's back at the showdown between the daebak parties held last weekend, goodbye baby, goodbye normal life!

•Beatburger Greg and Gina unni of CINQSWAN•

GAJA! at Butter Factory

1. Performanceship

A nondescript experience comes with the package for this Gaja! debut. Like, COME ON, the name itself of SM Entertainment proudly boasts to have the highest market share from the Trinity of South Korean music industry for 2011 reports and still is going strong for their girls are throwing themselves to the USA pit, and my panjjak panjjak boys are having the best time of their lives yet in JPN.

Now, it's their sunbaes coming and making an ah-maaaaazing performance all K-pop dancers which I usually see 'em around other K-pop parties around town, dubbed as SNSD boys or something, gaped and cheered. THIS IS, LIKE, AN APPROACHABLE ONE AND ONLY (YET) SM PEOPLE IN THE SAME LEVEL AND DANCE FLOOR AS YOU ARE! AND THEY'RE DANCING TO THE SONGS YOU LIKE MOST!

For anyone who loves SM but has  no more moolah left because you bought VIP moshpit tickets for K-Pop Night, SNSD, MAMA, SS3, K-pop Heal the World and many others, this is your remedy as they're the producers and choreographers. THEY DID IT IN ONE SMOOTH MOTION. OH GOOD SLUR LOOORD.
(#OMONA, #OMONA, #OMONA, #FangirlMomentWithoutTheNosebleed, #FanboyMoment)

2. Variety
There's the special dance team (with Gina unni saengnim who teaches us those K-pop dance at KTO, yo!) , there's them spinning, there's them dancing (Jae and Greg) with you, there's him (Stephen) in a guitar, there's him (Jae) crooning his rock star vocability,  and also with a big huge bottle of booze to feed everyone in front of him like his piss. Don't get me wrong, this is the true euphoria of such rock concert. A club with a rock concert attitude as it has a party stage all can go gaga to. 

All-round experience for the debut night, 100% satisfied and entertained. Since again, they have the name to hold, and it's at Butter, so well, you do need this kind of excitement to keep 'em coming. Which I assure you they are.
1. Crowd
They're the real dudes and riot grrlz  that parties till' they see the sunlight! K-Pop or not,  even collared ahjusshi's are seen to enjoy themselves, let alone Caucasians.
"Wait, are they in the wrong party?"

That's what I thought but well, again, this IS the crowd that knows well how to party regardless of anything in between. Ladies who are #fangirlwithshrieksandnosebleed, you've got an additional point: there were the handsome oppas around! No no, we know there are two types of Koreans. The ones you see in the street and you were dissapointed because he doesn't look like Lee Jun Ki. And the rest, you see them on TV like Noh Min woo. For this night, they were  like Soong Joong Ki's and Lee Min Ho's, I AM NOT KIDDING YOU. SINCE WHEN I LIE. Start unleashing your estrogen ladies, because boys, you could spread a lot of pheromone but I don't see as much Korean girls around as the guys. Although there is. So not to worry boys and girls who are looking for a prospectus of wearing a Hanbok for wedding, you both have equal chances. Play nice, OK! It's not rugby. It's Taekwondo. You still bow in respect before prancing on your target.

You dance K-pop or not we  don't care, we just wanna hook some oppas to tapao. Like any other Ladies night or Friday's night.

[Why safe? Doh. K-pop is still a safe thing after all. Probably but not after today. ㅋㅋㅋ. I leave that imagination entirely up to you.]

1. Music

Of course, the warm-up WITHOUT ANYONE at the deck which made me restless because it was more of a karaoke in a huge room (BUMP) where all fans were singing along whilst dancing (there was still space).

Because most of the songs were not upbeat or isn't upbeat enough to be danced to, and it's only played auto by iTunes, I saw at least people were on the dance floor but my friends and I only did a shrug of shoulders and held a fake microphone instead and singing along to either ballad songs of 2NE1 (can't recall) and other.

Well, sorry I am bias to 2NE1, you no mess with any Blackjacks.

It was an #awkwardmoment once again but rest assured, at least people were on the dance floor.

To the point on why music is only getting a B-, is because in what world that the crowd starts to cheer "Kay Pop Kay Pop" due to the lack of K-pop songs played? It was weird, but I did join in.

After that  I did my share of research and well, the event didn't exactly state that it was a 100% K-Pop night. "K-Pop Chart Toppers" as they say, which of course they did play, but I guess it was a dismissal. I'm writing as a view of K-pop fans, so I am with the same group who chants for more K-Pop. I was dissapointed that although MY SONG AND SONG OF THE YEAR 'I AM THE BEST' was played and hell yeah was it good to hear it every time I go to any K-pop club now, there was a significant lack of K-pop songs.

I respect the Beatburger dudes spinning the now in western tracks, mixing it well but most of them I am disconnected to, and because it is in the house of Butter Factory, and it's not the Kids party we know, guys, you gotta know that around you, there are still collared-off-from-work dudes and angmohs and ones who seem to be oblivious with K-pop somehow but in for any good music.   Albeit the  lollapalooza of the DJs presence and all, you should know too that  Koreans don't like their own tunes, remember?

Albeit it was a lack of it that I stopped and rested too, that was how much we K-pop fans yeeeeeeeeearrrrrrned for more K-pop tracks. 

1. Space

First, Butter Factory's decisions took me aback with holding Gaja! at BUMP, their bigger room. I was skeptical, "really? We need a space this big? Because all I know is that K-pop fans are crying girls under 18 who can't join."

When I entered, the place wasn't as deserted as I thought even when no one was exactly spinning on deck. I nodded my head in being impressed and be excited to take part on the dance floor.  It was sad that no one particularly dressed-up like a Seoulian party - or chadchad's photos are beguilling enough to look like Seoul but actually taken in London.

Once the set had a spark to start,  everyone was then CROWDING THE FRONT WITHOUT MERCY. A+ for their enthusiasm. But then, the next problem rose:

"Everyone, please make a circle!"

What, you'd want to make a circle t the sardine can dance floor, ya jeongmal mitcho? I was already gaping for air like a fish trapped out of water and we were first confused by how Greg spoke it, until the security came and put their steady hands out, out, to give space.

OoOoOoOooooooooh, make space lah what's so hard.
What's hard you tell me? WE HAVE NO MORE SPACE. By midnight, Bump was crowded from the dance floor to the VIP, but not from the entrance. Still then, it was hard to see anything because then we were pushed even further to make space for the girls to dance The Boys which erupted in madness!

Continuing on, it was going to be quite a show show show if Greg and Jae had all the space in the world of the dance floor. THEIR EPIC PERFORMANCE to hype it all up, was a bit restricted yet still a hat-tipper-topper-puller lungs deflating act in this limited space. The seniors who bash our boys and girls (seniority, fangirls and boys, don't bite them, they ought to reprimand when your biases did a mistake or cannot sing)  

I don't know how they do it, they did it. They did those hard techno broken dance moves in that teeny space.

Afterwards, the PARTY STARTED #FuckYeah.
Fakq yeah, we didn't have enough space to move or dance to it was fantastically hot.
However, this is safe to stay that it shows Gaja! will be here to stay at BUMP. 

(btw, juuuust kidding chad!)

1. "Excitement uncontrolled when the DJ comes down to play, hell yeah!"
2. All-the-way-from-South-Korea (read: direct import) acts. Anything else?
3. Anyone who loves K-pop, and are not considered kids, get yourself invited here THIS INSTANT.

Other than I couldn't dance much nor perspire as much as I did as DJ MASA because 95% I know all the songs. I had rests in between for most half of the time I do not know, and because there was a restricted space to dance, I only dance with 10% effort. Swinging and do a full swag movement will cause an uproar of protest of  taking over the dance floor with dancing incapabilities. HA.
This is the party to go for you kids older than 18, loves K-pop, but still in tune with the rest of world (not like me. I am only in my own Asianic bubble, judge me now). Plus, see  the category that got the score of A. Now you'll know why we'll all come back.

However, in case you missed next week...

Don't worry, it is here to stay as a Thursday permanent.

Watch out for this week's boy comin' to town, DJ BURGER KANG! (No the name doesn't have to do anything. Why do Koreans obsess over 'burger'? That's to you too 'Burger' Kim, kkk~)
Here's how to bring in your friends to join you to party on a Thursday night and forget what Friday is (a working day) by sharing this WDFIV Showdown review for your SNS needs,
This is the review In 10 words or less...
An Asian night Thursday regular, more opportunities to eye-candy baby!


This commentary is written to no-offence to anyone or to bash. Solely based on opinion, experience and knowledge, this is to make your life easier to choose where to spend your precious hours at rather than hiding in that mouse hole and do shake your tummy (read: LAUGH, don't be uptight! Enjoy the words). Apologies if it were to tick you at any way or form. Now get your latest Hallyu affairs and entertainment feeds here and here.


As most of you Singaporeans K-poppers should know (or you are still underaged thus you don't know what's going on) we had a serious K-popfied week with TWO club events just to celebrate K-Pop!

I was friggin' to death frigcited. I mean, can I celebrate that I'm in the right time and right place once again this week? WHUTderrFAKQizVAT now brings you the continuing talk.

As for my best pal Carlos aka DJ MASA whom we first officially met back in the days (May 2011) hung out and he did a party and I went undercover as his video person behind his Singapore trip, and now as chingus are also the most crucial person to say the truth. And also for everyone's information for all Hallyu wavers out there, here is the breakdown of the event as the showdown continues on with Saturday's JigAsia Entertainment (17 Dec 2011) ULTIMATE K-POP PARTY WITH DJ MASA!

Yep, he sure looks better and better with his new haircut and after being and breathing in the same air as the CUBE kids from their CUBE Concert in Brazil... You'd have to read more in his special interview here!

I'm not going to tell you anymore general details - it's time for the points given.


Score: A+++++++++++++++++++++++++
1. Music
I know that I have been to the greatest party (#FuckYeahDanceTillTheWorldEnds) when I am contented to know I have perspired and headbanged  much to burn enough calories to eat a 5 slices of pizza today for the first meal (the very morning after). As MASA has promised from where we met during the party at Gaja!,  "Don't worry, it'll be 100% K-Pop."

Well, I shouldn't say 100% K-Pop , it's  about 95% of it. But that didn't matter nor I didn't complain or there wasn't a crowd cheering for "Kay pop kay pop!" However so, he has chosen the correct English tracks for the majority to know the song.  For those of you who have joined me since the humble beginnings here and knows me back from middle school, I have ditched western pop and I don't know anyone except the ones that are repetitively played at public places that I can groove into.

And so if most of you had spotted me around the front side of the deck, and sometimes I don't dance, it's because it's not the DJ's problem to not play K-pop songs. It's  MY problem that I don't know the latest K-pop songs.
Yes believe it or not, for the latest new rookie whatever mushrooming bands, I don't give 'em my eye just yet  (I've been darn busy and Music Bank has just been so ever boring, or K-Pop is seriously getting its toll on me now?!) and even Masa asked me, " Did you recognized that new mashup?" I had to meekly answer,
"Is it that one? No? Then  it's the mashup with the tunes I don't know , not because I don't know your stuff, but I don't even know the actual song or artist."
(me: #epicfail. masa: #winftw)


2. Passion
What else can I say? This dude's got the skills, wanted more perfection to improve and  chose to stuck waht he believed in which until today I still assume he got called off his day job because he was late to return to his office on Tuesday (arrival day) from his first trip to Singapore. Carlos, correct me if I'm wrong.

This time, by the demand of his fans, and of our input that we wanted a live mix, he did went out to get his own set (did you read my interview yet?! You betcha. Scroll up again and click on that link.) and studied it all out to give out his best latest performance yet and giving the first dibs on his new mashups, "I did 6 in 2 days!"
He, transported us to a serious K-Pop realm dimension in a night.

If you're still wondering now how much effort exactly did he put into his  performance tonight?

Yoogeun will tell you how much as much he loves my girl.
He's a total #WIN.

Score: B+
1. Crowd
 Right on, compared to the one at Butter Factory, I'd have to say the crowd is different and it goes back to the label  that's been around and I've acknowledged it as well that a "K-pop party is for kids". It starts early from 7, and ends by midnight like Cinderella. But I don't mind. I'm a good kid so I never complain, I'm only after the song and because I love it, nothing more. I enjoy kids party more than the usual roudy parties. Dear friends who are reading this knows how I'm  the wrong person to ask to go out clubbing except a K-Pop party.

ANYWAY, the crowd, small but the regular, devoted and the 'cult' members (This one's for you Ms Chia. We enjoy K-pop morning, day and now at night. Can you live our lives?).

I felt terrible for Yoo Jaesuk look-a-like warmup DJ for no one danced to the song.  But again, I did note about this at Gaja!, that even though no one was particularly playing in the set, it was empty at the dance floor but eople are still around as it is a strictly given dimension of a dance floor, which invites people at least, to stand up inside the zone without a choice if you don't have a table.

•One agrees with me. Situation at the warm up, reported by D. Tan from the party's event Facebook. Yes, he saved the day!•

Nonetheless, as said, the crowd in comparison to Gaja! are the ones who truly in for the K-pop scene. The ones in front of the deck (read: ME being 미친) are the ones who truly enjoy and KNOW all the K-Pop dance by heart. There wasn't many as most chose to stay behind still. A smaller, more  centric crowd to enjoy it together - which I prefer! ;p

If Gaja! was literally being pushed like sardine in a factory can, this was jalapeno pickles in preservative water. Still could see spaces behind me as there's only another person and not another 5 layer more.
Again, not everyone's problem though.

As long as you enjoy the night, Hell YEAH.

Score: C
1. Warm-up Atmosphere (Interior)
At this venue,  there were tables crowding the way so as humans, as I would to, we  would be drawn to just sit and awkwardly dance within just the tables which I DID because yeah, the awkwardness of the empty dance floor... But I do like this much more spacious club.  But it doesn't help the event...

Obviously. We were anticipating for MASA to spin which was slated to start around 9-9.30PM. By the time then, the people gathered around, but still, which I kind of liked and be thankful was I HAD SPACE TO DANCE. Kkkkkkkkkkk~

At Gaja!, because of the hefty performanceship and the regular goers of Butter  they weren't afraid to dance becuase,  IT ISN'T CATEGORIZED AS A KIDS PARTY. (Goodness syntax grammar error there but whatever). It was seriously packed with  people crowding and wanting to be part of the dance and space was tiny to move.

On the other hand, back at DBL'O, DJ MASA's first performance, it was pretty much full house on the dance floor BECAUSE THERE AREN'T TABLES! I have to say that the fever euphoria is much at a higher octane during the first, but the music is SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO  GHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD.

This time round, I have to say that the crowd was pretty mblgmblmbmglm because the chairs are comfy, riiiiiiiight whoever was sitting behind there ? At least they were there to enjoy to be inside a serious K-pop realm.

1. "Brought K-Pop party to an entirely new whole level by knowing what K-pop fans like and wants"
2. Real K-Pop fans will have space to dance!
3. Although most of you guys are shy!

LOL never mind on the third, I did give it a miss for the warm-up because literally NO ONE was at the dance floor, and it is another suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper #awkwardmoment situation when it is. 
For the 2nd, big shoutout to Lydia of (x)clusive - a true SONE and she KNOWS  her K-Pop moves dayyyuuuum well, took over our zone to dance the entire K-pop mashups  like mad! Now this is how K-pop party is done. As long as one of your pals in the dance floor knows  all the dance steps, you've got your K-pop night covered of F U N.

If you'd like to share this WDFIV Showdown review for your SNS needs,
This is the review In 10 words or less...
You're jinjja baboya total K-pop fangirl/boy if you miss this.

MISSED the first showdown? 가자! AT BUTTERFACT

This commentary is written to no-offence to anyone or to bash. Solely based on opinion, experience and knowledge, this is to make your life easier to choose where to spend your precious hours at rather than hiding in that mouse hole and do shake your tummy (read: LAUGH, don't be uptight! Enjoy the words). Apologies if it were to tick you at any way or form. Now get your latest Hallyu affairs and entertainment feeds here and here.


Because of my own wanting to kind of create this sort of thing without a demand and only for the sake of laughing, WHUTderrFAKQizVAT brings you a new commentary column of similar juxtaposition of things! This first debut would be on the TWO K-POP PARTIES HELD LAST WEEK. Super daebak week I tell you, and as a comparison between the two and why you should go.
Click on them, and it leads you to the report card of the party.


After the cut,
if you're interested is to "see what I wore to the event."
I haven't update my wearing outfit post in gazaisdjfawoeilzlaaaaiiillion online blog light years for the two events which most of you aren't interested unless you'd want to see the only girl dressing like someone coming out from a 2NE1 casual/house clothes-labelled wardrobe.



And so there's been this frenzy going on with a journo from Strait Times in which I didn't catch.
(Well, sorry that I have not been in touch on my Twitter [which I have moved as a Specialist on KLOUT yay! Not that it matters to you], nor Facebook).

Well, a day after this, I have an announcement that this post is updated. I just finished watchin KBS Entertainment Weekly. They were talking how K-Pop lyrics are so boggling on how empty the meaning and all their glizy blitzy music. They too, are talking and critical about it but can't do anything as it is such a major contribution into the pop culture and arts wave, in which why Singapore is getting some moolah thanks to this too.

Pop Critic Im Jinmo states that this situation with the English wannabe and weird lyrics that you force English inside the song makes "K-pop deem shallow and cheap..." and another media person says, "but when you see pretty faces and cool dances, you forget everything about the lyrics."

So Ms Chia, before you regurgitate your inmost opinion on national paper, you should know that Koreans themselves actually are anti-kpops. You're not alone. Or, the Koreans I know, such as my classmates and peers that are around me 95% they seriously do not like K-Pop, as it's rare to find a Korean outside of Korea who is a crazy fan like me. That explains how 80% of MAMA votes are overseas. Teenage years onwards and ones who live overseas hates K-Pop so much, and they reward me the label of walking K-Gossip dictionary when I asked a new scandal news which they just give a shrug over.

This new move I think, is because why I ditched western pop in the first place when I first met K-pop.

Sick of K-pop Cult [in Singapore]

The headline first greets.

It's a local media here in Singapore and the journo, Adeline Chia (which I am surprise she's got her fan page, maybe I should start making one for pictures and videos which didn't make the cut for OUR favorite K-Pop and J-stars, who's up? I'M HEARING YOU BELOW. LOL /hangmealready)

 Let's break down her rants in this first ever utterubishing of the year before you can try and comprehend how do you say whutderrfakqizvat.


It's seriously been a long time since I utterubbish, a column here on my blog to say concrete opinions, no-offence taken.

I found whatever picture I had uploaded here, this must be DBSK when they were at their glorious days, but like what Chia says, they don't "live a life that's like a movie" which caused their 13-year contract to end and move out and to form JYJ.

 The plastic fantastic making machine (read: trinity of the Korean entertainment, and latest new ones for the new fresh too-young-to-even-sing-or-act-or-have-low-voice boy groups that has been sprouting like wild mushrooms) has only one aim: MOOLAH MAKING MACHINE.

Don't you know how much they rake in MERCHANDISES (which I fell that when I was younger, now I know better to not spend... NOT) and SINGLE SALES (seriously not worthed but it is because how beautifully packaged it is and the PHOTOBOOKS) and PHOTOBOOKS (for further emphasis). I BET TONS OF GIRLS MELTED OVER THAT JAEJOONG SCENE (that's why I screenprint and I was oogling over it.  Couldn't find the post of where I used this pic but I found this EPIC one instead for good)

Everyone still with me and agrees?

Now I'm a fan here, I've been in the Hallyu Wave since late 2005, which makes me a proud veteran to support and enjoy this entertainment, but I am rational and I'm in the middle. Continuing my profession to upgrade myself as a 'professional fangirl' by being a journalist, my previous and upcoming background in media and culture studies proved further for me to make a point and to lead everyone, young and old, to please see both sides. Don't get rushed off, see left and right when you cross or you'll get hit.

"To any disinterested observer, it was a blatant rip-off. To the fans, it was like communing with the gods. It was a uniquely depressing experience but during the show, I couldn not put my finger on the reason."

I cannot agree more. But this is a movement called ˆsafest way to do business, 110% guarantee REVENUE" event. I was at one last year and I've forgotten to multiply the ticket price to my home country's currency which I usually do becuase I am blinded by the news that my gods are coming (Haaaaail JYJ). It was like VVVIP ticket if it were to be back home and I got like faraway seats for a friggin' showcase. But well, since we love them so very much we will support them till the end, right?


That's the power of fans. Without us, the entertainment industry will never start.
General rule, people, there's a demand, there'll be high-octane selling supply. Hot cakes, krispy donuts, you name it.
Ms Chia, didn't you learn this in business class?

Don't tell me you're loosing to me in knowing the world of competitive stocks and loan sharks.

"A lot has been made about the Hallyu Wave, the unstoppable South Korean pop culture tsunami that has washed up on the shores of the world, conquering music charts, television ratings and the wall space of adolescents’ rooms.
I am heartily sick of it. Every bit of it. The manufactured sounds, the ersatz emotions, the clone-like stars, the cult-like, weepy fandom."

 I understand. It's because how Singapore is such a lucrative city to make the moolah churn for all K-pop. Remember the days where we whutderrfakq Thailand back in 2007-2008 because all K-pop stars seem to go there and greet fans and never in Indonesia and rarely in Singapore? I know I did lament it every time I met my Thai friends.

And then I was crying and screaming of joy when K-POP NIGHT CONCERT 2008 as the first ever concert in Singapore, without any tickets that are sold but is pretty full house to my mom, "MOM I CAME TO SINGAPORE AT THE RIGHT TIME RIGHT PLACE RIGHT MOMENT. Fandom support finally pays off after watching religiously every night of ArirangTV, I now get to see Wonder Girls 'Nobody' live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

And Nobody was, in fact, the song of the year in 2008, and in Bugis street today, it is still repetitively, on the loop, played by that juice stall.

 I have to stop reminiscing as my fangirl spaz keeps on surfacing...

At any case however, I wonder why you are even sick of it in the first place... if you only see us trending it on Twitter, and see overnight queues, and you hear it once in a while because it's well, JOB CALLS, you can't push it on your culture vulture - you're already making negative comments in this contemporary culture that we all agree it's taking over the world. I know - why don't you kindly decline the offer to cover the event - and pass the job onto a colleague who I would believe would appreciate it more?

I 've met the press peeps as in the same position as you and I are - some of them are totally clueless about it, in which the general remark is "they look all the same!!!!!" which I totally understand. Unless you're an actual fan, all the girls are like hot off the taiyaki pancake making at ION B4.

Unless otherwise stated, I would have to take sides with K-Pop now that if you're writing this because you're only a person who's examining us from the reflective bubble surface, you're only seeing yourself. If you're inside the bubble, that means you have already been exposed the ins and outs, and finally pop the bubble to get out of the 'ridiculous' cult group you say but so at least your say is much more substantial than what it is now, a recycled grey paper, in the bin by this hour.

You are sick of it - then please explain what Beliebers are. Beiber is a good competitor in his seventeens, and arguably has bigger fanclub than what Cassiopeia (TVXQ) is.

"This seems to be the drill: Train some nice-looking kids in a star factory. Assemble a group of them. Give them a name that is an abbreviation for something or just a random collection of letters and numbers.
The girls must have stick-thin arms and legs and the boys must look a bit like girls. Next, produce a song that is the demon child of lady Gaga and Black Eyed Peas. Throw in Autotune, hip-hop beat and strong synth lines. Make a video that is a mini movie, featuring the stars doing synchronised dance moves while the back-up dancers gurn at the sides.
Voila! You have a viral hit."

Only one explanation Ms Chia.

(OH! It works. I didn't plan this post to have this title beforehand and this pun worked! Sasuga, watashi-wa, hyahahahahaha)

Let me explain how the K-Pop works - leave talented Wheesung, Leessang, 8ight, VOS, SG Wannabe, etc. alone, they're not part of K-Pop we're talking about here - they focus on spur of the moment boom.
A quick escalation to popularity, and to find a long downhill after 3-4 weeks. Senior groups would last longer as their popularity soars and most music channels keep them up 1st place due to votes. Once in a while, a song of the year appears. The last time I know, it's a fight between Nobody and Abracadabra...
This year's song of the year, 2NE1, though I voted for them, have to say it's short-lived. But it is song of the year because not only I hear the song is used at GAG Concert and aptly fits well, it also is a stance for the girl groups to be so dominant and have the guts to say 'I AM THE BEST." Maybe your perception can change if you were to watch YG Concert hopefully next yaer as their concept is far then the 'Formuta T' you're talking about. And which this formula is implemented.

"I worry about these starlets who are worked to the bone and whose careers last as long as their good looks. Then they are discarded like rag dolls."

I feel you Ms Chia. I feel the very same way that this industry is so about the looks and popularity and not judged by the real vocal skill and how big their lungs capacity is. Sadly, it is the world we are at, and it goes in the same for fashion. I feel bad for the boyband "Boyfriend" as it so doesn't appeal to me but  a lot to younger girls because they're "SO CUTEEEEEEEEE."

Once they're not cute, they are down the drain. Should know that this K-Pop is the tapao entertainment - takeaway, instant and quickly be discarded once you're done with it. Fans ages 17 and above should start reasoning well on why they like other than "because they're handsome!" and I sure to believe to hope that they will stick to them till the end, sometimes even until they disband.

"Recently, watching a sea of red lightsticks keeping beat to a song made me and my companion grab on to each other. Eyes wide in terror, we communicated wordlessly for fear of persecution. Our faces said this: ‘Are we at a cult gathering?’
K-pop is also unique in inspiring extreme behaviour from fans and generating psychosis. Cyber-bullying and online smear campaigns are common practices by anti-fans who target a certain entertainer they hate."

Aww, please don't say that, I am a bit offended by this. We're not a cult, we're a family who supports one group. Isn't it the same if you loved Brad Pitt when you were in your teenage years? Or watching your Keeping Up with Your Hollywood nutty-empty-headed stars every week and gape over them?

Since we're proud Asians, we do things our way to show our support. I have been in this 'underground' weird cult then since I first met it in 2005 and I am proud that I have stuck and went through with it in the nightmare of highschool where I was the only one going balls with K-Pop and dramas and all things Korean - and here it is, payback time. I have reaped my hard work. And I am still a proud Cassie, VIP, Blackjack, Fluxus girl, whatever you call, and even more proud that I am part of the hot movement of the year.

Overnight Q's and restless nights with tents on the street isn't new - it might be for you, but if you were to travel and have seen the world the worst and best of East and West, Harry Potter fans queued like hazzard 1 WEEK BEFORE, worst than us K-Pop (which I still think it's ridiculous). But that's how we show our love.

Now please save me from a sea of PINK LIGHTSTICKS tomorrow (one down today) full of boys, and not girls. The cheers, Ms Chia, should I state the obvious, isn't the high-pitch scream from the cult you went to, but tenor to bass-pitched, or more like lions roaring, in the sold-out, full house Indoor Stadium. I think SNSD's voices will drownnnnnnnnn because hunters are on prowl for your not-so-juicy lean-cut thighs.

So yeah, deal with it, we're making a tsunami.
F4 from Taiwan last time made a serious damage to even domestic' helpers everywhere, why hsould this be any different?

Westlife, all went crazy too.

After that, so sad that boybands died down in the West.

Then, came along FINKL, HOT, GOD... and the rest is history when it slowly climbs to popularity and now sky-rocketing so fast that it will hit its Maturity peak soon, so don't you worry Ms Chia. Singapore, will get over it next year, when I leave. Next year will be the final year before fangirls grow up, saying its 'oh another K-Pop act' and not '!@3$*()&#%(*@#&%)(@*&)!@(*&$)(*& they're coming!!!!!'  and wasting about $150 average per event, tax and service and hardship not included.

*taps blackboard furiously*

Fellow students and fangirls and fanboys, let us recap what we have learnt today.
Behind all creatives, unless labelled on our foreheads 'dying artists', is a COMPANY.
Where it is a company, it would only sustain if there are positive revenues.
If there are no profits created, then it is a NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION.

So, before you even try and say we are weepy crying fans all over made boys who lasts only how pretty they look, and vice versa for fanboys all over SNSD goddesses today and tomorrow, without us making hype, without them making idols, without the world to have a place, WE JOURNALISTS AND REPORTERS WILL HAVE NO LIFE IF IT ISN'T FOR THEM. HALLELUJAH FOR FREE EVENTS FOR ME although a few I don't have a clue at all what or who I'm watching (I don't support rookies until I see them live and they impress me then OK).

Thank goodness for events in this tiny country, what if there's no K-Pop? Your advertising media rates won't rise high during MAMA 2011 live screening raking millions, and local magazines who just puts any K-Pop star for its cover gets a boost of 30% sales higher, well, see the good side. If you have war, Singapore can drown any single time. You got no lions to take care of you now Ms Chia, because,

quote unquote a pal of mine, "you've messed with the biggest fan group in the world of K-Pop."

Then in my speculations, MAMA 2011 is a joint effort of CJ and YourSingapore. Of course, tourism in Singapore has gotten a slight boost and name now. And they're trying to seriously make a 1 trillion won deal or so. But if let's say they're signing the deal on Monday, and this article you have written is published, I wonder what the Ministry of Tourism have to say by reading their citizen writing in a negative point of view of regurgitating the obvious facts of the industry.

They would ring you to death and will shrill that 'SO WHAT THEY'RE LIVE-BARBIE AND KEN-MAKING FACTORY, WE WANT THE MOOOOOOOOO LAH!"

Oops, you've screwed a 1 trillion won deal.

See you at Super Show 4! (Maybe)