

I've been meaning to post it since September last year after I arrived from my two-week Eurotrippin' and not until today I had the sudden motivation to revive my blog again - I'm getting some creative juices!

There was this simple dress I got for roughly S$8 in BKK and I wanted to make things rather different. My style, Miss Foo will say when she sees this. Everyone knows I like drape drape, so here's just one way to do things your own way and be different, and all you need is:

the basic dress with only 1 pin
  • 1 Long dress, preferably with a pattern so draped and scrunch looks visible compared to solid black
  • 10-15 pins, big ones like those nappy for babies (since I used them for this) and normal ones, big ones better to keep the weight.

It's not so easy, I had to pin and pierce it while I wear it because laying them on the bed and scrunching it in will not look the same. I tried it on and off, and best way is to keep it ON.
Sorry for the bad image, it was really late at night and I was rushing off or I'll look horrendous on Day 5.

 This was scrunched and held perfectly with trial and error. Make sure your pins really are strong and won't fall off halfway. My dress material was polyester cotton jersey and polyester made it ultra heavy. So those babies huge ones actually did help through the inside.

TA - DA, you now look different.

See the rest of my trip's looks of 10 days worth!

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